BTW I'm thinking the guy is definitely sexually frustrated when he projects disgust on his imaginary Jehovah over viewing tightly clad males and females, this clearly is a Freudian slip of some sort. I'm thinking this imaginary Jehovah guy is a pressure valve on this guys instincts that are about to blow!
The forbidden pleasure Tony feels with a tight pants display must make him so detached from his true self(denial) that puts him further and further in Faithful & Discreet la la land so much so that he feels he's on a mission from God to warn the wicked offenders of Jehovah's disgust.. He is definitely off his rocker over these tight pants. I'm thinking other Governing Body members have talked to him before of about his egocentric ideas., because he is totally off the walls.
I'm sure a lot of these talks about tight pants given by Tony have the entire Governing Body backing if not? Why can't they shut this guy up? Maybe most agree with him or tolerate him?